What We Believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

Core Values

The following are the core values of Engage Church based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.


The Gospel must shape and drive all that we are and do. We desire that the Gospel of Christ crucified and resurrected should lie at the center of our approach to church and life. We are committed to bringing the church to a greater understanding and joy in the truth and power of the Gospel so that we can increase our love for Jesus and love for one another.
Romans 10:9 ESV
John 3:16 NLT


We at Engage Church rely on the power of prayer. We believe that intentional prayer and a Christ centered heart, God will hear our prayers and move on our behalf according to His will. We also believe  that a healthy prayer life is the foundation of a relationship with Christ.
Luke 11:9-10 ESV
1st Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT
Psalms 17:6 NLT


Engage Church believes the church should be equipping the people by providing a training ground for His believers, for all generations. We will accomplish this through sound biblical teachings and by maintaining integrity we will raise up godly leaders in our church, community and throughout the nations.
Matthew 28:19-20 NLT
Ephesians 4:12 ESV


At Engage we want to be a church of vision. We want to boldly dream big dreams and pray big prayers. We strive to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit because He has the capacity to translate His vision into reality.
Proverbs 29:18 KJV 
Where there is no vision, the people will perish, but he that keeps the law, happy is he. 


We strongly believe in a family type atmosphere. We are better and stronger together! We want to fellowship together as often as we can. Worshipping together, breaking of bread together, and sharing our testimonies together of what God has done in our lives together. We also want to be the example of Jesus in all that we do to all people, showing unconditional love and compassion. We want everyone to know that they are loved and accepted no matter their past. This will turn our building and church family into a
home. You are important and you do belong!
1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT
Acts 2:44 NLT


We should follow in the footsteps of our Savior. We should be the example of Jesus to our community. This attitude allows the community to see the love of Jesus that is in us. Being His hands and feet will create a platform where the gospel can be shared in our community, therefore changes lives for eternity and glorifies God.

John 13:1-17 NLT
1 Samuel 12:24 NLT


Why can’t church be fun? Here at Engage church we strive to maintain joy in all the seasons we go through. Life is full of ups and downs or some say hills and valleys, but at the end of the day we know that we are following Jesus and that our burdens are lifted by His mercy and grace.

Proverbs 17:22
Ecclesiastes 8:15

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